High Protein Plant-Based Milk to Protect Your Bones

Including high protein plant-based milk can help contribute to your valuable protein needs to help protect your bones.   

Women often miss the mark when it comes to protein unless they intentionally set out to include adequate protein sources in their meals and snacks. Some of us count on milk to contribute protein.   

If you choose plant-based milk, do you know how much protein it gives you?   


High Protein Plant Based Milk infographic

Highest protein plant-based milk  

Soymilk and pea milk rank the highest in protein per cup among the many plant-based milks on the market at 7-8 grams. After these, the protein content dwindles.   

Flax milk + protein offers 5 grams of protein per cup. Hemp milk contributes 4 grams, and walnut milk only 3. Oat, almond, cashew, macadamia, and banana milks offer only 1 gram of protein per cup. Coconut, flax, and rice milks contribute 0 grams of protein.    

Flax milk normally has zero grams of protein. You may see Flax milk + protein, which has 5 grams of protein per serving, but note that the protein comes from added pea protein powder.  

We found one walnut milk that was pricey and offered little nutrition. It was low in calcium and potassium and had no vitamin D. Stick with walnuts for the most benefit.  

If you choose a plant milk other than pea or soy because you like the flavor, make sure to include different foods that will give you the protein you need for strong bones.  

When choosing the plant-based milk that is right for you, ask yourself why you are drinking it. If you like the flavor and are not using the milk for the protein benefit, go with the one you want.  

Why is protein important for your bones?   

Women need protein to keep their bones strong and prevent hip fractures. Protein is part of the bone matrix. Consuming protein regularly can help increase your calcium absorption.   

Protein is necessary for your muscles and helps you strengthen your bones with resistance exercise. Your whole body needs protein daily for good health and prevention of chronic disease.   

The RDA for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. It is not that high, yet women as a group do not meet it. Many women need more protein in their diets to strengthen their bones and muscles to better prevent fractures.  

Research tells us that getting almost double the RDA, 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight, can benefit our bones with better bone mineral density retention.  

Are plant-based milks healthy for your bones?   

Not all plant-based milks are healthy for your bones. The two that come out on top are soymilk and pea milk. They both offer complete protein sources, providing all essential amino acids.   

However, they are relatively low in methionine. This is not a concern when your eating pattern contains a variety of other protein sources so that you get enough of all the essential amino acids every day.  

Other plant milks are lower in protein, but most have vitamins and minerals that are good for bones. Choose soymilk or pea milk to get the most benefit from a plant milk.   

Shelf-stable milk  

Milk that does not need to be refrigerated is considered shelf-stable.  

Shelf-stable milks may have different nutritional profiles than their refrigerated counterparts. Packages may look the same, but the wording on the front label can vary a bit.   

Nutritional content can vary, such as the amount of sugar in a serving. It pays to spend some time comparing products to help you select the best one for you.  

Shelf-stable milk has value and can help you out when you travel. It can also be an emergency supply in times when you run out of refrigerated milk before your next shopping trip.   

Upon opening shelf-stable milk, it becomes perishable and must be kept chilled until used.  

Are plant milks free of sugar?  

Nearly all the plant milks offer original (which may be sweetened), sweetened, and unsweetened versions. Depending on your needs and preferences, there is one for you.  

Vitamins and minerals present in plant milks   

Most plant milks will have vitamins and minerals added (fortified) to them in addition to what they already have. The usual ones added are vitamins A and D, as well as calcium. Several manufacturers add additional vitamins and minerals.  

Soymilk naturally contains potassium and magnesium, which are good for your bones, and most are fortified with bone-strengthening calcium and vitamin D.   

When choosing milk, look at the nutrition facts label to ensure it contains bone-building nutrients.  

How do plant milks compare to dairy milk?  

Cow’s milk is comprised of valuable nutrients to support your bones. To learn more, check out our blog on Conquering the Milk Aisle.  


As dietitians, we may purchase organic milk products. Still, we don’t base our purchasing decisions on whether something is organic or not. We consider the flavor, nutrition facts, and ingredients in our purchasing decisions.  


If women choose the right high-protein plant-based milk, they can help protect their bones by meeting their protein needs. Soy and pea milk offer the most protein, at 7-8 grams per cup. Protein keeps bones strong and helps prevent hip fractures.   

If your milk does not supply enough protein, be sure to include food sources rich in protein to support your bones. To help you, check out our *free* course on 5 Staples for Quick Meals to Keep Your Bones Strong!  

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Stephanie Turkel is a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Texas. She has 30 plus years of experience in the nutrition field. She now takes her gained knowledge and shares it with you to explain science articles into easy-to-understand information.

Grace Rivers, RDN, CDCES

Grace is a registered dietitian nutritionist residing in Texas. She has over 30 years of experience in nutrition. Grace loves translating science articles into easy-to-understand information for you.


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