Mango vs Papaya: Which Has More Beta-Carotene for Your Bones? 

Mango and papaya both provide beta-carotene and many other nutrients for you. Mango contributes 1060 mcg of beta-carotene, while papaya only offers 397 mcg in a one-cup serving of fresh pieces.  

Study outcomes show that carotenoids in foods may have protective effects. Beta-carotene is a carotenoid found in many fruits and veggies. We are looking specifically at mango and papaya.  

Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, protect bones because of their antioxidant qualities. A Japanese study found that postmenopausal women with higher levels of beta-carotene in their blood have denser bones.   

An Australian study that examined beta-carotene intake revealed that postmenopausal women with higher intakes of beta-carotene from their foods had greater density in their lumbar spinal bones. 

What is beta-carotene? 

Beta-carotene is a pigment found in plant foods, and your body converts it to vitamin A as you need it. This is why some red, orange, or yellow plant foods are different colors. Several fruits contribute beta-carotene for you.  

Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble vitamin precursor that circulates in your bloodstream and is stored subcutaneously (underneath your skin) until you need it. While beta-carotene is an antioxidant that protects cells throughout your body from oxidative damage, vitamin A has different properties.  

The vital functions of vitamin A may not only help your bones but also provide value to your skin health, fight disease, and guard the lining of your digestive tract. And, of course, vitamin A is essential for your vision and prevention of eye disease.   

You need enough vitamin A to protect your bones, but you shouldn’t get too much, as a surplus can become problematic. Avoid an excess of pre-formed vitamin A due to the increased risk of hip fracture.  

Too much vitamin A from dietary sources is extremely rare. It may be done by eating too much liver. If you enjoy liver, eat no more than three 3-oz servings in a week’s time. The safe upper level for pre-formed vitamin A is 3000 mcg a day, and beef liver provides 6582 mcg in a 3-oz portion.  

Of note is that there is no harm in getting too much of the precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene, from your foods. And it still has a protective effect on your bones. 

Mango vs Papaya infographic


Nutrient comparison of mango and papaya 

Both mango and papaya give you vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene in a one-cup serving. Other bone-protective nutrients in these two fruits include fiber, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.   

Fiber is found in mangos to help you with digestion and keep you regular. A one-cup serving of mango gives you 3 grams of fiber, 13% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 80% vitamin C, 18% folate, 11% potassium, 5% magnesium, and 2% calcium.  

Papayas are a good source of fiber. A one-cup serving of papaya provides 2 grams of fiber, 10% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 117% vitamin C, 14% folate, 10% potassium, 9% magnesium, and 2% calcium.  

Eating mango and papaya 

Mango and papaya can be enjoyed as snacks. However, you may like to sprinkle tajin seasoning on this tropical delight. Tajin is a blend of chili powder, salt, and lime that can be added to any fruit.  

Because they are tropical, they add a delicious dimension to a fruit smoothie. You can also enjoy them with a spoonful of almonds or yogurt to satisfy your hunger.

What does mango taste like? 

Mangos come in many sizes and have a mild, sweet, and tart flavor with a smooth texture. The skin was tough, so we peeled it, and then it slipped through our fingers as we cut it. A large pit was in the center, and with all our cutting, we never saw it; we only felt it as we trimmed around it.   

We trimmed so closely that we managed to get slivers of the pit onto some of our mango slices.  

We kept experimenting, and as we peeled and cut another mango, we again cut around the pit, which was identifiable because it is harder than the part of the fruit you eat, and it doesn’t let go.   

After we trimmed the edible fruit from the pit, we cut a slit at the top of the pit and, with our fingers, peeled both sides down and found one large seed.   

For fun, we will plant the seed in a flowerpot to see if we can grow a tree.  

After getting all we could, we cut it into small bites. One average size mango filled one measuring cup.  

What does papaya taste like? 

The flavor and texture of our papayas were unexpectedly bland. They were neither tart nor sweet. Papaya is smooth like mango but not slippery when cutting. The skin was easy to slice into, so we didn’t need to peel it before cutting it up. 

We cut it open, scooped out the many black seeds surrounded by a clear, thick, gel-like substance, sliced it into strips, and filleted away the skin. Cutting it into cubes was easy.   

Papayas also come in various sizes. We chose a large papaya that easily makes one to two cups of diced fruit.  

Eating foods with beta-carotene or vitamin A vs taking a supplement 

It is possible to take too much of a vitamin A supplement, especially if it is not in the beta-carotene form. Taking a supplement that uses beta-carotene versus vitamin A is a safe way to help you prevent toxicity.  

If you are concerned about getting enough vitamin A, eating foods rich in beta-carotene is the way to go! It is virtually impossible to get too much beta-carotene from plant foods.   

Eating mango and papaya is a safe, enjoyable way to get beta-carotene.   

Some other foods rich in beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, carrots, pumpkin, apricots, tomato juice, yellow squash, and sweet red peppers.   

Most milk and butter are fortified with vitamin A. Beef liver boasts the highest natural source of this nutrient.  

Since beta-carotene is the source of vitamin A in plant foods, we look at micrograms (mcg) of retinol activity equivalents (RAEs) to determine the amount in each one.  


Mango and papaya are tropical fruits that lend a helping hand in keeping our bones, skin, eyes, heart, and digestive tract at their best. Neither has added sugars, so they are good for you to eat.   

Either of these can be easily added to your fruit intake, and they taste much better than a supplement. If you enjoyed reading about mango vs papaya, be sure to check out our free course, 5 Staples for Quick Meals to Keep Your Bones Strong.    

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Stephanie Turkel is a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Texas. She has 30 plus years of experience in the nutrition field. She now takes her gained knowledge and shares it with you to explain science articles into easy-to-understand information.

Grace Rivers, RDN, CDCES

Grace is a registered dietitian nutritionist residing in Texas. She has over 30 years of experience in nutrition. Grace loves translating science articles into easy-to-understand information for you.


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